Thursday, June 20, 2013

Moviestarplanet hacker the dolly


Watch Out For This Hacker Dolly. She has a clever sneaky way of trying to hack you.
Basically she asks how much money you got.I lied I had $10.000 to see what she was trying to do. Then she tells you to log on her Moviestarplanet character and change the password to what YOUR moviestarplanet character password  so you can have the account for ever. DONT FALL FOR THIS EVER!
Laurens email address recieves a mail saying your password. She will hack your account and spend your money and send clothes to her account. 
This is how Laurens display looks. She is VIP Judge+Celeb, Level 7. I didnt show how she looks because she changes her clothes a lot. And also she has all of theese accounts and she does these things to get u to give her ur account then she deletes all the messages and her account and makes another one for her scam so yea just wanna let u know what she does. And now u know how to put a STOP to HACKERS!
           Thanks snowlove77 
p.s. friend me with that username snowlove77 thats my username for usa msp. thx bye bloggers!