Monday, January 20, 2014

My expierence with 2013!

Omg 2013 was the best! Sure i had my ups and downs, but what more could i have asked for im blessed that i made it through the bad times (even though there werent alot) This yea i made a bucket list for 2014. it is to start the first month off really good without getting anything taking away.So far i have kept that and hung on to it.I want you guys to comment below you bucket listen.Really think hard and good about it not just say im gonna watch TV for a week lool make it interesting like mine like getting good grades and stuff that good.Anyway i am gonna post some pictures below it is 129 pictures i put this all my self but its gonna be a slide show so i hope you like that.Also my mom had hip surgery and im kinda a little worried,but my mom is taking it is better than i thought.The 3rd day she was walking WITHOUT the crutches and stuff which i am really happy.I loved 2013 but its time fot the new year.Come on 2014 Show me what wonderful things you got.Also u guys are gonna see more blogs about my Movieestarplanet account On United States and my United Kingdom account.I am also sorry for not posting alot an not looking the comments there was one i did answer from

November 11 and it was from bean something but im super sorry for not answering i been so busy and forgot i made a blog.Buti will be looking at my blogs and notifications and stuff and updating my blog backrounds.Well thats it for now.Bye :D
                        Komayjah Morgan